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apollo program 阿波羅計劃〔包括登月行動的美國宇航計劃〕。


The 110 - meter - long saturn v rocket , which never got off the ground at johnson space center because nasa canceled the apollo program , is sprouting plants and mold and its corroded structure is home to an assortment of creatures , including a nesting owl 因太空總署阿菠羅計畫的取消而未有機會從強森太空中心離開地面的一百一十公尺高的土星v號火箭,正繁演各種植物及菌類,還有它已腐蝕的結構體,正是各種動植物匯集的溫床,這包括一只正在筑巢的貓頭鷹。

As with the nasa apollo program , many of those originally involved were ex nazi or russian cold war scientists ( even wwii japanese ) recruited , regardless of their earlier crimes , to commit more crimes , this time for the u . s . a 由于國家宇航局阿波羅項目,許多那些最初卷入的有前納粹或俄國冷戰科學家(甚至二戰日本科學家)被征募,而不管他們是早期的罪犯,為非作歹的罪犯,這次是為美國。

You are a committee staffer for the house science subcommittee on space , and have been asked by the subcommittee chair to write a 1 - page memo detailing the important reasons to continue the apollo program 你是眾議院科學小組委員會太空事務組的成員,而科學小組委員會的主席要求你寫一份單頁備忘錄來詳細說明繼續進行阿波羅計畫的重要原因。

The 104 billion price tag , leading up to an initial four - person lunar landing and spread over 13 years , represents 55 percent of what the apollo program would cost in today ' s dollars , griffin said 按照通貨膨脹率折算,這項歷時13年之久的重返月球計劃其實只相當于當年“阿波羅”登月計劃費用的55 % ,格里芬說。

The 4 billion price tag , leading up to an initial four - person lunar landing and spread over 13 years , represents 55 percent of what the apollo program would cost in today ' s dollars , griffin said 按照通貨膨脹率折算,這項歷時13年之久的重返月球計劃其實只相當于當年“阿波羅”登月計劃費用的55 % ,格里芬說。

The 104 billion price tag leading up to an initial four - person lunar landing and spread over 13 years represents 55 percent of what the apollo program would cost in today ' s dollars griffin said 按照通貨膨脹率折算,這項歷時13年之久的重返月球計劃其實只相當于當年“阿波羅”登月計劃費用的55 % ,格里芬說。

By a fluke of timing , i missed out on nasa ' s apollo program and instead was born into the space shuttle era in which humans remained locked in low earth orbit 我有點生不逢時,錯過了國家航天局的阿波羅計劃,生在了宇宙飛船時代? ?一個人類仍被禁錮在低地軌道上的時代。

Apollo program : the apollo 12 spacecraft splashes down safely in the pacific ocean , ending the second manned mission to the moon 1969年,阿波羅計劃:阿波羅12號太空飛船在太平洋上安全落水,完成了第二次有人駕駛的登月任務。

Apollo program : apollo 7 safely splashes down in the atlantic ocean after orbiting the earth 163 times 1968年的今天,阿波羅計劃中,阿波羅七號在繞地球軌道環行163周后安全濺落入大西洋。

The congress is considering terminating the apollo program , and discontinuing all missions after apollo 17 美國國會正在考慮終止阿波羅計畫,并且在阿波羅十七號之后便停止一切任務。

Apollo program : apollo 14 returns to earth after the third manned moon landing 1971年的今天,阿波羅計劃:阿波羅14號在第三次有人駕駛登月后返回地球。

The apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment 阿波羅計劃與其說是一項科學成果,不如說是一項技術成就。

Which is arguably what spurred the apollo program to place the first man on the moon 我們也可以提出刺激阿波羅計劃讓人類登陸月球的證據。

Apollo program : apollo 11 splashes down safely in the pacific ocean 1969年的今天,阿波羅11號在太平洋海上安全濺落。